Monday, March 28, 2011

What is your favorite part of Easter?

Easter is right around the corner and the group from Social Moms wants to know, what is your favorite part of Easter. When I was younger I really enjoyed the Easter egg hunts. We would go to church and the adults would hide the eggs and then the kids would go out and run as hard as we could to find the most eggs. And someone would find a special egg! It was so much fun. And of course on Easter morning, the thrill of getting up to an Easter basket full of goodies. But all that aside, I think my absolute favorite part of Easter was getting a new dress to show off at church.

As I got older, my ideas and favorites changed but stayed the same. I know that statement did not seem to make sense so I will explain. Now that I am a mother, I don't hunt eggs or get an Easter basket, but I love the excitement that they have with these experiences. The fun and excitement they get when it is their turn to hunt eggs is priceless. And although my kids stopped believing in the Easter bunny a long time ago, they still enjoy the surprise of the basket that the bunny leaves for them. It is a wonderful feeling transitioning from the one with all the excitement about Easter traditions, and then making those traditions fun for the next generation.

But Easter would not be worth celebrating at all if we did not mention, or celebrate the true meaning of Easter which is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. My family enjoys the Easter egg hunts, and getting the Easter baskets, but our top priority is going to church and participating in the Easter program. If it were not for the resurrection, there would be no reason to celebrate so we make sure that is the most important part of our celebrating. And I love that our church has a different program each year. We have a program for the kids and one with the adults. They become very thought provoking and inspirational.

So, I ask you...what is your favorite part of Easter? Do you have some traditions or favorite activities? Share your favorite Easter activities in the comments. I would love to read some of your ideas. To make new memories, make sure to take your family out to see the movie Hop. It looks like it is going to be hilarious!

Disclaimer:“I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Hop blogging program, for a gift card worth $25. For more information on how you can participate, click here.”

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