How many people have been in a situation where you just felt completely overwhelmed? All of us at some point have had one of these moments. I have had a lot of them lately. What do we do in these situations? Do we look to man to help us out or do we look at the problem / situation and say "There is no hope"?
Too many times we want to ask God for help, but we either think that our problem is too small to bother Him with or that it is too big. We tend to think of God like we think of one another. If we can't handle the situation then we think it is not possible.

This book,
None Like Him, by Jen Wilkin, is a great reminder that there is NONE like God! We are not like Him, BUT better than that HE is not like us! Our flesh seems to get a little aggravated when someone comes to us with something that to us seems petty and small. Not all the time so don't get mad at that statement. Or sometimes we don't want to ask someone for help with something because we feel like they are going to get aggravated. I don't know how many times I have been in church and someone gave in a prayer request that sounds something like this - "This may seem small and irrelevant to some of you but please pray for ...." And it may be praying for a family pet that is sick. Some people won't even pray and ask God to touch a family pet because they don't feel like God cares enough for their pet. But God does care! He cares about us so He cares about the things that we care about.
And of course there are times that we are in a situation that we feel that it is even too hard for God to fix. I am not going to lie to you, I have felt that way several times myself. I have felt like God did not care about my situation or it was just too far out of control that even He was not able to "fix" it. I felt that way over my separation. I prayed and even begged God to restore my marriage, and when it didn't happen like I thought it should I thought "well, even God couldn't get him to come home."
Why do we let ourselves have these feelings of doubt??
James 1:6 says "
But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind."
I am so glad that I was given the opportunity to read and review this book. I have not completely finished reading it yet, but I will not stop reading it until I have finished it. And then I may go back and read it again.
None Like Him, 10 Ways God is Different From Us (and why that is a good thing). What are 10 ways God is different from us?
1) He is infinite! He is the God of NO limits! Nothing is too great for God.
WE, as humans, have limits. We can't do everything no matter how hard we try. But there are no limits with God. He can do whatever He wants to do. Remember, He made this whole world by just speaking! Now that is powerful!
2) He is incomprehensible. He is the God of infinite mystery. We cannot and will not ever know ALL the ways of God. That is what makes Him God, and us - just us!
3) He is self-existent. The God of infinite creativity. We cannot exist without God, but God existed a long time before we were ever thought of.
4) He is self-sufficient. The God of infinite provision. The dictionary defines Self-sufficiency (also called self-containment) as the state of not requiring any aid, support, or interaction, for survival;
We depend on God. And even those people that think they do NOT depend on God, would not be able to breathe if He did not allow it.
5) He is eternal; The God of infinite days. Our days are numbered, His days are not.
6) He is immutable. The God of infinite sameness. God does not and will not change. Hebrews 13:8 says
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. We change but He will never change.
7) He is omnipresent. The God of infinite place. We can only be in one place at a time, although at times we feel like we are being pulled into a million places at once. But God is everywhere all at once. We cannot comprehend that. We do not know how it is possible, but that goes back to #2 - He is a mystery and there are things we are not going to comprehend.
8) He is omniscient. The God of infinite knowledge. What would you do if you knew everything that was going to happen in your life before it ever happened? One thing we would do is worry and be upset over some things. If we knew that someone we loved was going to die tomorrow, we would be upset and not get things done that we need to get done. It is not possible for us to know everything, but God knows it all. He knows it before it happens. I love that song "
When He Was on the Cross, I was on His Mind". Before we were ever conceived, He knew us.
9) He is omnipotent. He is the God of infinite power. Sure, we all dream about having the strength of Superman, but we can't grasp the idea that God has that power AND MORE! Again, I remind you that He SPOKE and the earth was formed! That is power!
10) He is sovereign. The God of infinite rule. He is the One that is in charge! We may think we are in charge of our lives, but He can remind us real quick that He is the One with the power.
Even though we can comprehend all these things regarding God, we do need to be reminded that whether we understand or not, HE IS GOD and there is NONE LIKE HIM!!!
This is a good book to have as a reminder when we have a problem or situation that WE cannot handle, that there is a God that is far greater than we can imagine. He cares and He is able.
Do YOU need to be reminded of how big God is? And how He is different that we are? If so, you can enter to win this great book...all you have to do is leave a comment saying that you would like to win. It is that simple. I will draw a winner on the 15th. If you want extra entries, you can post a tweet about the giveaway, post a link to facebook, or share this post in any other way. Just leave a separate comment telling me where you shared.
Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.
Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway. If you have won a prize from our sponsor Propeller / FlyBy Promotions in the last 30 days, you are not eligible to win. Or if you have won the same prize on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.”